Twitter is a social media platform used by many different people. In there you can post your thoughts, opinions, or anything you would like to share. They are called “tweets”. You can also use pictures or videos with captions. People can like, comment, or share your post. However, you’re only allowed a maximum of 280 characters per post. Fortunately, you can make threads if you want to post longer posts and they will show up under the post. You can also include hashtags so that people find your posts. You usually use them to attract people who are looking for similar stuff
Professor: Jessica Penner
Class Meetings & Times: Mondays & Wednesdays, 4-5:40 PM, in Namm 521
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12 – 1 PM. I’ll be available through Zoom and will send an invitation via email that you should keep all semester. Try to join my meeting at the start of the hour, not at the end—since I may be talking to other students or have another appointment after the hour is up. If those times don’t work with your schedule, we can schedule a different time. This means you’ll have to schedule an appointment in advance via email. I suggest you have multiple times in mind, since your schedule may not mesh with mine!
Course Description: A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Demanding readings assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing.
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Ursula C. Schwerin Library
New York City College of Technology, C.U.N.Y
300 Jay Street, Library Building - 4th Floor
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