Before class on Monday, 12/12, students will…
- Continue drafting Final Reflection and revising one Major Writing Assignment.
- Write a post titled Full Name, Revision Decision. Save it under the category Final Portfolio.
- Look over the feedback on the assignment you will revise and write a paragraph answering the following questions: What will you revise? Why? How/what steps will you take to complete your revision?
- If you do not wish to revise any of your major writing assignments, please explain why.
- This is one of those low-stakes writing assignments!
During class, we will…
- Read āThe Makerās Eye: Revising Your Own Manuscriptsā by Donald M. Murray.
- Answer the question individually on the Google doc and then in small groups:
- What is one moment you found useful?
- Quote the moment and explain what you found useful and why.
- Discuss your posts (Full Name, Revision Decision) in small groups and then as a class.
- Share your U3 projects with your small group–and the class! This is a time to celebrate what you’ve accomplished this semester!
- Continue working on your Final Reflection and Portfolio.
- Before class on Monday, 12/19, post your first draft of the Final Reflection. Title it Full Name, First Draft of Final Reflection. Save it under the category Final Reflection and Portfolio Work.
- This is the last low-stakes writing assignment!
Wednesday is a “Reading Day.” This is traditionally a day devoted to studying for final exams or working on final projects. There are no classes scheduled on this day!
During class on Monday, 12/19, we will…
- Students who attend class will have an opportunity to discuss their Final Reflection and any revised work with the professor.
- Attendance is encouraged, but not required–however, this is an opportunity to talk one-on-one about your writing and/or the status of your grade in this course!
- Final Reflection and Portfolio are due by 11:59PM on Tuesday, 12/20. Remember: Your portfolio must include the following in the order listed below. Use the Final Portfolio template under Course Profiles > Files. Save the document as a PDF and title it Full Name, Final Reflection and Portfolio. Save this under the category Final Reflection and Portfolio.
- Reflection on your growth as a writer, reader, and researcher ā approx. 600-650 words
- Unit 1 (final draft that was evaluated by the professor)
- Unit 2 (final draft that was evaluated by the professor)
- Unit 3 (just include the URL of this assignment)
- Optional Revision
During class on Wednesday, 12/21, we will…
- Attendance is optional. Come if you have questions about your grade (I won’t have the portfolio graded, but we can talk about what you can expect). If you need a place to crash, come to the classroom and you can sleep/eat/study.
- All low-stakes writing must be posted by 11:59PM on 12/21! If you look at the GradeBook and see you missed something, you have a small window of time to make up that work!
- HOWEVER, make sure you email me the links so I can easily check the work.
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