Voxdot.com “The Real Reason American Health Care Is So Expensive.” YouTube, YouTube, 30 Nov. 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNla9nyRMmQ.

This source talks about how the healthcare system is bad in America. Talks about how America handles its spending on the healthcare system. The video also goes into depth on why it is so bad. The root causes of the high rise in Health care.

What the source tries to explain is that the government approach healthcare in the wrong way and there is a better way of approaching this. For example, the video mentions the Bernie sanders bill which could be a solution to solving the healthcare crisis.

“…That health care is one of those things the government can do cheaper and better than the private sector.” – “The Real Reason American Health Care Is so Expensive.” Www.youtube.com, youtu.be/tNla9nyRMmQ.
