Citation #3

Masters, Jonathan “Was the Iraq war worth it”, 2011, .


In this expert-roundup Jonathan masters wrote point-of-view of four people on question “was the Iraq war worth it” where Andrew Bacevich said that the world is a better place without Saddam Hussein, but it hurts that the war took millions lives and trillions of dollars spent. CFR’s Max Boot says it may be premature to assess the benefits but there remains a chance for Iraq to serve as “a model for the Arab Spring.” Michael Ignatieff, an academic, human rights advocate, and initial supporter of the war, says groups like the Kurds and the Shia in Iraq have gained. But it’s “difficult to believe the war was worth it,” he says, given the damage to U.S. credibility, the strengthening of Iran, and the lack of stability in Iraq. Michael O’Hanlon of the Brookings Institution expresses hope that over time the “the war will not be seen historically as a mistake or failure.”


I read this expert-roundup couple times for better understanding, after all I can only completely agree with Andrew Bacevich, because that’s what I think about Iraq war. Its good that U.S. killed Saddam Hussein bus what was the fault of millions of civilians and U.S. soldiers that got killed in that, does that make U.S. better that Saddam Hussein? Well, I don’t think so.


“The disastrous legacy of the Iraq War extends beyond treasure squandered and lives lost or shattered”