Citation: Angela R. Gover, Shannon B. Harper & Lynn Langton, “Anti-Asian Hate Crime During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring the Reproduction of Inequality” 7 July 2020
Summary: This article talks about the outraging hate towards asians after covid 19 hits as people started believing that people of Asian descent are solely responsible for causing and spreading and creating COVID-19. This article also mentions how towards asian has been present before even covid occurs. They had been facing hate way before this. It has mentioned federal responds to this situation and state responses were disappointing
Reflection: I agree with this article as it speaks about how this isn’t the first time asian americans had faced hatred and had to deal with it. It has happened over the years and the history seems to repeat itself, as there is no progress in this, just like before they are getting hate and getting physically and verbally abused which causes them difficulties to do daily activities. And going and talking about it to the federal government and the states did not help because they weren’t helping at all. Trump has been adding to the problem instead of helping. So going there haven’t gotten them anywhere with ending or addressing this huge problem.
Quotation: in this article it talks about how they have been facing hate before “Chinese were the only people to be legally excluded from this country because people were so fearful of the jobs they were taking. That was seemingly a place that we would never go to anymore, that level of vitriol. We’ve seen it, though, in waves since then: World War II, we had an Asian enemy; Korean War, we had an Asian enemy; Vietnam War, we had an Asian enemy. And then we had Asian enemies that were economic in nature.” ~ Janet Yang
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