Citation 3 

King, Lucy. We Know the Real Cause of the Crisis in Our Hospitals. It’s Greed. The New York Times, The New York Times, 19 Jan. 2022,  


This video is short, about 7 minutes in length and is an opinion piece done by The New York Times. The video opens with nurses detailing the violence they experienced while on the job. These same nurses go on to inform views that the nursing shortage has been an issue for a while and worsened due to the pandemic. The idea presented is that the nursing shortage is not the result of a shortage of nurses, but instead the result of hospitals not willing to hire nurses. Throughout the video, TikTok’s from other nurses were shown to be in tears, complaining about the conditions they are forced to work under and stating how they want to leave the profession. Many of the nurses interviewed suggest feeling as though they failed to do their job because of being overwhelmed by patients and not being able to care for them in the way they deserve or desire to. The video reminds viewers that the hospital is a business and just like any other business the goal is to increase their profits. It concludes with the suggestion to implement policies that will ensure safe patient to staff ratios. It was said be the focus of many states, some of which passed the bill while others rejected it.  


As a nurse I was not surprised to hear what the nurse in the video had to say because I go through the same thing five days a week.  

In progress.


“If you’re in the hospital your chances of dying go up by 7% for every additional patient your nurse has to care for” (King and Kessel).