The process of writing my education narrative gave me the opportunity to learn more about the other ways to start a writing assignment such as: brainstorming ideas and free writing based my thought. Before I would sit with a pen, paper with the assigned topic, and just try to write as much as I can. Now I see the benefit of getting my thoughts together first so that I know what I am going to write and not get stuck when writing my drafts.

Moreover, I learned from my peers when exchanging ideas and getting their comments and suggestions to improve my work. The “Shitty first Draft” was an important piece of information for me. Reading it gave me a sense of how to approach my assignment even though I had already had some ideas on paper. A quote that touched me is where she said, “Finally I would pick up my one-inch picture frame, stare into it as if for the answer, and every time the answer would come all I had to do was to write a really shitty first draft of, say, the opening paragraph.” It reminded me of what I used to do and made me understand that I was not the only one to do this.