In “Allegory of the Cave, ” prisoners are chained together inside the cave. But there is a fire behind them, and between the prisoners and the fire are moving puppets with natural objects, a higher surface, and a low wall. The prisoners cannot see anything behind them and can only look in one direction for the rest of their life. However, the prisoners believe these are living things. Based on this story, they are hypothetically speaking, if a prisoner is forced to leave the cave, what would happen? How would they adapt? or what would they see? Many possible reasons can happen once a prisoner leaves, and there are many unknown answers if you’re stuck in a cave for the rest of your life. They show two worlds, trapped inside the cave and the outside world in the story. The prisoners only see their shadows inside the cave that is produced by the fire. But once they break free from being stuck, they see the true reality beyond the cave, which is outside. My interpretation of this writing piece is never to restrain yourself from the world. The world is filled with many opportunities, and you are never really stuck or trapped anywhere. You have the potential to grow and succeed when your heart and mind are in the right place.