Prof. Jessica Penner | D4308 | Fall 2022

Discussion: Introductions

Please add a comment (approx. 100 words) to this post introducing yourself to the class.

  • Write a paragraph discussing your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns if you wish).
  • Write a paragraph about yourself as a reader and writer. What kinds of readings and writings are you drawn to? What type do you avoid and dislike? Why do you think you lean towards certain types of texts and away from others?

Before next class, please add your introduction.

Get to know your classmates by reading the comments!  Do you have something in common? Did you learn something? Reply to one of your classmates’ comments.



  1. Marie Desire

    Hello my name is Marie Desire. I chose nursing for I like helping people, most of all my family. I used to read a lot more, now not much. I listen to all kinds of music and like watching the news to stay up to date. In my spare time, I like to spend it with my friends.

    Lately, I’m not much of a reader. Though I like to read fiction for you can see things you never thought possible. I am open to reading anything so I don’t avoid much. As for writing, lately it is mostly work related.

    • Tasnim

      I like helping people and spending time with my family and friends too.

    • Saad

      Ur major is a really good choice if you enjoy helping people, it really changes many peoples lives

  2. Saad

    Hello, My name is Saad Ahmad Sabri. I am a computer science major, interested in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and an overall understanding of how we can create programs that can do daily tasks better than a human. I chose this major because I saw the limitless potential of having programs run simple tasks to make our lives easier. I love reading about abstract theorems and concepts that get my brain working and thinking about the many different aspects of life in another way, for example, the hypotheses of Sigmund Freud on the human psyche. I enjoy programming during my spare time.

    The kinds of reading and writing I am drawn to are pieces of literature that seem crazy but have an underlying truth that can be read between the lines. Much of the writing I am drawn to can be seen as nonsensical but as you observe and read it over you begin to truly understand what it means. I dislike writing that has the same old bland straightforward thought to it. I would much prefer a piece of writing that has mystery not in what is said but in the way it is written. I think I prefer these types of text because I feel as though writing should be seen as more of an art and have new ways of structuring sentences, aligning words to create a hidden meaning, or even just misleading the reader

    • Nguiba Ouattara

      I can see why you like that, I also machine and coding, unlike you I am not majoring in CS but I still like it

    • Marie Desire

      Hello Saad, it nice to learn more about your interest. I find your opinion on writing to be interesting, I never considered it that way.

  3. Laura Lalla

    Hello, my name is Laura Lalla. I am majoring in dental hygiene. I have been interested in the dental field since I was little and learning about oral health. I am interested in fashion, watching different movies/shows, and music. I also hang out with friends and do study sessions together.
    I did a lot of reading and writing in high school. I would say that I have improved with it over the years. Some readings that interest me are mystery novels or poetry. I think I have improved with writing essays and free writing. Some writings that I dislike are speeches and short stories. I feel like I lean towards a specific text because I express my writing better that way, and it is more what I’m used to doing.

    • Saad

      Ur major is a really good choice if you enjoy helping people, it really changes many peoples lives

      • Saad

        It posted the wrong comment but the dental field is still very important towards our daily lives and dentistry is very interesting

  4. Zekai

    Hello, my name is Zekai Zheng. I am majoring in computer systems. I have been interested in computers and how they function ever since I got my first phone, I have even built my own computer. I’m not much of a reader as I get lost in the pages and get distracted really easily, but when I do get into a book I would read it to completion In my spare time (which I had a lot of before college started ), I would hang out with my friends and catch up. I love watching movies such as The Green Book and Ford v Ferrari. I also love listening to different genres of music and certain artists like Kid Cudi, Tyler the Creator, and Tame Impala.

    If we’re able to choose my genre of books, I would love to read fiction, sci-fi, and dystopian
    and as for writing, there is a lot less interest in that.

    • Tasnim

      I also get distracted with reading and I like to watch movies and listen to music. I also catch up with my friends on my spare time and love hanging out with them.

    • Tasnim

      I also get distracted with reading and I like to watch movies and listen to music. I also catch up with my friends and love hanging out with them.

    • Nguiba Ouattara

      I Love sci-fi, what is your favorite sci-fi book?

  5. Angelique Garcia

    Hello My name is Angelique Garcia.I am majoring in radiology.I chose that field because its something that i’m really interested in ,i like helping people and acknowledging them about their health and making sure they are okay.I’m not much of a reader but when I was in school I was more interested in mystery novels.I listen to all kinds of music and I also like watching a lot of shows.In my spare time I spend it with my friends and boyfriend and we go out and have fun.
    More now that I haven’t been in school for so long i’m still not much of a reader or writer.I do like to write more then I do reading ,i do like writing counter argument essays.The type of writing I dislike is like poems or summaries mainly because i’m not very poetic and I feel like its difficult and I don’t really like summaries because I feel like people understand texts or books in there own way.And trying to explain it in my opinion is sometimes difficult.

    • Laura Lalla

      I agree with you about liking mystery novels. I also like writing argumentative essays because it helps voice your opinion on a certain matter.

    • Marie Desire

      Hello Angelique, I feel the same way that you do about helping people that’s why I want to further my nursing career. Health is essential. That said, I’m not much of a reader either.

  6. AlexH

    Hello, my name is Alex Herrera. I am majoring in computer systems. I’ve been interested in computers since I owned one and loved learning more about them. I enjoy listening to
    podcast and watching movies. I also play video games in my spare time with my friends.
    I’m not a reader or writer but if I had to pick one I would prefer to write because it easy to write certain topic such as summaries but anything that has to do with expressing yourself I tend to avoid. I used to read fiction books but lately, I haven’t been interested in any types of books.

    • Nowshin

      I am not much of a reader or writer either but I also prefer writing

    • Zekai

      I also like play games with my friends, what do you play the most.

  7. David Mendez Medina

    Hi everyone, My name is David Mendez Medina and I am majoring in mechanical engineering. I always have had a fascination with just building and creating thing at a very young age. This continued through out the years and in this time I grew a love and a passion for science mainly because I was good at it, I believe this is something I can do and I hope that it is. I enjoy reading short horror stories for fun they are very entertaining to read for me and that is the only thing I do read as I do have ADHD. I enjoy listening to rock or metal or just anything with a calm sound. I lately have not been watching much however I enjoyed watching shows like Daredevil, breaking bad, and It’s always sunny in Philadelphia. In my spare time I go to work, hang out with friends, spend some time with my girlfriend, and I play video games and guitar.
    As a reader I am not a very good reader, I tend to struggle a lot with reading basic stuff and it causes me to struggle on things. As a writer however I enjoy writing especially doing creative writing as I have a lot of ideas and thoughts that I like to put on paper and it makes me feel good. I tend to read and write more on the horror side of things cause it interests me a lot and sometimes the stories are very well done. I avoid anything from the Shakespeare era of writing cause it does tend to get very confusing very quickly for me and I dislike romance books cause they get boring very easily. I lean towards certain type of text because I like more mystery and suspense then I do anything else it grabs my attention and makes me think and wonder more then other things.

    • Tasnim

      I’m also bad at reading i dont really like reading. But i also like to write, i can express my opinion and feelings by writing.

    • Zekai

      I also have adhd do you have tips on copping with it

      • Saad

        Mechanical engineering is very interesting in my opinion, the physics aspect is quite difficult though so be prepared

    • Nguiba Ouattara

      Your major is really hard, good luck with that.

    • Saad

      Mechanical engineering is very interesting in my opinion, the physics aspect is quite difficult though so be prepared

    • Saad

      Mechanical engineering is very interesting in my opinion, the physics aspect is quite difficult though so be prepared

    • Saad

      Mechanical engineering is very interesting in my opinion, the physics aspect is quite difficult though so be prepared

    • Saad

      Mechanical engineering is very interesting in my opinion, the physics aspect is quite difficult though so be prepared

  8. Tasnim

    Hi, my name is Tasnim Khan. I am majoring in Hospitality Management. I chose this major because I want to manage a good hotel and also I want to travel. This major interested me and I felt like by choosing this major I can achieve what I want. I want to work and also enjoy life, experience new things. I like to meet new people. I don’t really read, I can’t focus and I feel bored while reading but I listen to music a lot. I think I can write rather than reading. I can express myself and my feelings by writing. I also watch lots of movies and series.Mostly I watch Bollywood movies. In my spare time, I hangout with my friends, go to new places and try new restaurants. I also work a part time job in JFK and try to help my mom out.

    • Nowshin

      I also tend to lose focus while I am reading or get distracted easily.

    • David Mendez Medina

      I listen to music a lot too. Personally it helps me to write better and be more creative about it as well and I listen to music almost everyday through out the day

  9. Luis Medrano

    Hello my name is Luis medrano.I am majoring in Architecture.This major just happened because I had family telling to be an architect and not knowing what to do besides that,I went with it.Architecture has math,which I’m good art,and designs,planning and drawing are new things that I had to improve and I really like them now.I do like to read sometimes,it has to be a book about action or mystery as I like those types of book.I listen to a lot of Latin artists like the bad bunny’s,etc.My hobby is that I love soccer,watching it,playing it,everything,it’s something I grew up with and can never forget it.Also I’m born here in NY and my ethnicity is half El Salvador and Panama.

    As a reader, I like books where you visualize and there is some action involved as you basically visualize a movie in your head.Also suspense is so useful to keep your audience hooked and questioning what will happen next.I’m drawn to those types of books because for its a bit slow paced some books with interesting stories,but for me it’s more preference.

    • Saad

      Mechanical engineering is very interesting in my opinion, the physics aspect is quite difficult though so be prepared

  10. Matthew Velez

    One thing that interest me regarding school is math and physics. That is why I am a construction management and civil engineering major here at city tech. In the aspect of reading, I like reading numbers. English and writing have never been my strong suit even though it is my first language. I consider English and writing very subjective and they are almost the opposite of math and physics. Math and physics are literal and there is a definite answer for every single problem. I like listening to Latin music. I discovered it when I was visiting my home country Peru when I was the age of 11 and have sticked with it ever since. I enjoy watching tech videos. I also have a passion for tech and I consider it my backup career since I love technology. Specifically (comp sci). What I do in my spare is just try not to be home. I like traveling and going new places. That is what I like.

    Well if when I do read I always lean towards more tech articles. Again leaning to the more literal side. Like reading an article about a chip shortage or reading about what are the specs about the next iPhone. Stuff like that interest me the most. What I do try to avoid is more of the Shakespeare stuff and hamlet, Othello type readings cause I don’t really understand. Not because of a language barrier just because I genuinely do not understand. I understand readings better when I like them. I engage with it better and helps me understand the meaning that the author is trying to convey to me.

    • David Mendez Medina

      I also have a passion for physics and math, I have a passion for chemistry as well which makes me very excited for you what my major holds for me.

  11. Nowshin

    Hello, My name is Nowshin Islam. I am a freshman. I am majoring in computer science. Coding had my attention as soon as I learned about them in highschool. The ability to bring your ideas to life and create things on your own to make the world more advanced and help with day to day tasks has always fascinated me. While I am majoring in computer science I have an undying love for psychology. I find psychology very interesting as it allows us to study the mind, human behaviors, mental processes, the conscious and the unconscious phenomenon and many other interesting things. I love listening to many different genres and different languages of music. My favorite movie is Perfect blue. I love painting and listening to music in my spare time.

    I am not much of a good reader as I get distracted very easily when I am reading something that I am not really interested in. As for writing, I much prefer writing then reading. I try to avoid poems.

    • AlexH

      I also get distracted easily when reading but try to use music as a way to help me focus on the reading.

  12. Vikramjeet Singh

    Hi, my name is Vikramjeet Singh. My major is liberal arts and science, I completed my high school in India, so I chose this major to get basic knowledge because study system in India and USA is much different. I don’t really like reading books, I like to listen music also horror and thriller movies, and in my spare time I like to watch movies, or I stay with my friends. I’m not even good with writing but I’m working on it, I think this course will help me improving my writing skills.

  13. Nguiba Ouattara

    Hello, I am Nguiba Ouattara, and I am majoring in business and technology in fashion. the reason I chose, you could say because I am unique. I have always had different interests in different kinds of jobs, I wanted to be a doctor, a soccer layer, an actor, a stunt double, an artist, a model, an engineer, and someone who wants to work in the business industry. I have always had different thoughts about different careers that I wanted to do, even in my senior year of high school, but I decided t settle on this major because I wanted to see what it’ll bring me. I love soccer and anime, manga, manhwa, manhua, reading, and running. I know that my name is complicated so just call me NG, I go by He/Him.

    I love to read about real-life experiences and non-fiction, and sometimes I like to indulge myself in reading about space things and other things related to those. My favorite book is Alex Rider Point Blanc. My writing depends on what mood I’m feeling, but I mostly write poems since they are what completes me the most

  14. Cristina Cuate

    Hello my name is Cristina Cuate. I am achieving to get my associate’s degree in optical dispensing. I find it really fascinating how much our eyes work and can detect when something is wrong, for example like any diseases. I started an internship with optics during January 2020 but as you know COVID-19 happened and shut down everything. I always enjoy going to the optometrist and I think what they do is pretty amazing. I love going out and enjoy listening to Kendrick Lamar, Joji, Frank Ocean, etc. My favorite shows are “The Office” and “New Girl”.

    I am somewhat a reader, trying to find something good to read is hard. Definitely not a writer…I’ve always struggled to word things that make sense when it comes to english literature. If I had to choose one kind of genre to read it would be non-fiction or just anything that’s informative. I would really like to improve my writing and reading this semester and enjoy english.

  15. Cristina Cuate

    Hello my name is Cristina Cuate. I am achieving to get my associate’s degree in optical dispensing. I find it really fascinating how much our eyes work and can detect when something is wrong, for example like any diseases. I started an internship with optics during January 2020 but as you know COVID-19 happened and shut down everything. I always enjoy going to the optometrist and I think what they do is pretty amazing. I love going out and enjoy listening to Kendrick Lamar, Joji, Frank Ocean, etc. My favorite shows are “The Office” and “New Girl”.

    I am somewhat a reader, trying to find something good to read is hard. Definitely not a writer…I’ve always struggled to word things that make sense when it comes to english literature. If I had to choose one kind of genre to read it would be non-fiction or just anything that’s informative. I would really like to improve my writing and reading this semester and enjoy english.

    • Nowshin

      I also struggle with my word choices and plan on improving my reading and writing.

  16. Ashly

    My name is Ashly and my major is Architectural technology. I chose this major because I really like designing and building, I’m also pretty good at math so I’m sure that might help a little. I enjoy cooking in my spare time or just watching some shows . I also enjoy drawing so I do that sometimes or painting.
    I enjoy reading about history, it makes me feel like I’m back in the past again. I like learning a lot about tribes and stuff so I read things like that too. I don’t like reading complex poetry because sometimes it gets a little boring.

  17. Dayana Abinader

    Hi, my name is Dayana Abinader. I am currently in the process of changing my major from Human Services to Liberal Arts. I choose Human Services because I’ve always enjoyed helping others and work towards helping those in need. I also choose that major to help with my leadership skills and social skills.I love listening to various different music styles and i like to watch crime shows. On my spare time I usually paint and try to make art since that has always been a passion of mine. I went to a art high school and majored in Architecture. My pronouns are she/her.

    As I’ve gotten older reading has become more of a duty than a hobby, I read for school and thats about it. When it comes to reading I enjoy romance and mystery, although i like these i don’t really read as much as I should. As a writer I often find myself writing how i speak. Which isn’t ideal if you are writing a formal paper. I try to limit that and I’m trying to get better at it. I don’t really dislike too many types of writing.

  18. Luis Criollo

    Hi everyone, I’m Luis Criollo, I am majoring in Electrical Engineering. I chose this major because I always found it very interesting how the electronic devices around us work. I don’t really enjoy reading but, I had to chose a genre of books to read I would chose sci-fi books. I like to listen to almost every type of music, mostly Spanish music. I don’t really have a preference. In my spare time I like to go out with my friends and play soccer.

    The readings and writings Im drawn to is sci-fi books or anything that’s science related. I usually tend to try to avoid long books because I know I’m never going to finish reading it. So I like going for shorted books. Something that I know I’m going to like and finish reading. I lean to these certain types of texts and not to others because it keeps me entertained while I’m reading. Reading and learning about new things keeps me awake while reading.

  19. ALEJANDRA Romero

    My name is Alejandra and my major is business and technology of fashion. I chose this major because I wasn’t sure what major to pick but I would like to open a lot of businesses and I like fashion. I don’t read much, I can’t remember the last time I read a book. In my spare time I enjoy cleaning and organizing. I like watching and bothering my cat while he’s sleeping. I really like math and puzzles. I also like shopping.
    I am drawn to fiction readings. I try to avoid long boring readings because I start getting sleepy. It’s really hard for me to concentrate on what I’m reading and I always have to re-read it unless I’m genuinely interested in what I’m reading.

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