Edward Burtynsky is a photographer that was born in 1955 in St. Catharine a city in Ontario Canada. He comes from a Ukrainian heritage. He had been taken pictures at an very young age such as 11. Burtynsky has been able to get a better understand and learn the real art of photography when his father made a purchase of a darkroom and cameras. Not to mention he received a Bachelor of Applied Arts in Photography in 1982 in Toronto Metropolitan University. He also has many of his work put in museums from Metropolitan Museum of Art all the way to Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid, the Tate Modern in London, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in California. He is mostly known for his photos of his landscapes where is he has impact the way humans surrounded can be seen different. What I mean by this is by making his work look into existence.

The reason why I chose this photographer was because the point of view(Bird eye) in which some of his work is taken is very eye catching. What I mean by this is you get to see how the highlight of the viewer is more privileged than the subject that’s been taken . Not only that after viewing all his work I really liked one of his projects called African study’s. The photos that are taken you can see the abstract that are created with nature. His photos in the African study project just keeps your mind going because the images don’t look like the real world. So to put in short words I really like how he can make you look at things from a different point of view.

The photo is an abstract because if you look at it you question yourself is it really a photo. Not only that but your able to see that the composition in with the images help make the subject less important. What strikes me about this photo is that this is something that’s in our world but when you look closely it looks like something you would see in movies or in some other sort of other world. The way that I relate to this photo is that for my final I’m doing abstract as well so I feel like this would help as a reference. The photo is taken in bird eye view, you can see that there is some shadow/light between the gaps of the mountains. We can also see that there texture all around the photo.

Tsaus Mountains , Sperrgebiet, Namibia, 2018


