Annie Leibovitz

          Annie Leibovitz is an American portrait photographer born October 2, 1942, on Waterbury, CT. Leibovitz had enrolled in San Francisco Art Institute in 1967 and made her first work to the Rolling Stone magazine during her student period. Moreover, she received the American Society of Magazine Photographers award for the photographer of the year in 1986. Her work is considered as dramatic and iconic photographic portraits because her style is characterized using vivid color, super lighting, and staged settings. Also, she had worked in significant portraits of celebrities as: Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger, Bob Dylan among others. During her career she had produce many photographs for significant projects of Disney, Nike, Honda and publications for Rolling Stone and Vanity Fair. Moreover, through the time she had made significant photos and one of her latest photography was for Louis Vuitton’s campaign the photo is about the long-term soccer rivals Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

         I choose this photographer because she had unique and interesting style. Also, she is multi-faceted I mean that she made diverse and unique stages to project the meaning of the photography. I like her photos and how dynamic they are. She performed each photography in a unique style. Her creativity to express feelings and emotions through the photography are interesting.  

         I consider that the subject matter of this photo is the captain, but the focal point could be both the captain and the crocodile because they could be a complement between them. The content could be a fantasy or a dream as the photographer named it. What Strikes could be that the colors and textures are amazing because I like how she made red deeper and the texture of the animal is softy, but notable. Also, I like the vivid colors in water, rocks and sun and the vivid expression of the captain. About my relate could be texture and colors, but to be more exactly I love the red color in this photo. I think that Leibovitz is trying to show the feelings and fantasy that this photo has, and I think that she made a mix of realism and dreams. The compositional elements used to emphasize the meaning of the photo are frame made by rocks, point of view could be eye-level and the focal point are both the captain and crocodile. the colors the more notable is red and I could appreciate in the down part of the photo shadows and in the top lightness. Also, it could have a scale and contrast between warm colors. About, the patterns could be the teeth of crocodile and the shapes of the rocks even the shapes on the water. The photo is dynamic because it is capturing motion and it has an asymmetrical balance which made photo more interesting.

Russell Brand as Captain Hook by Annie Leibovitz for Disney’s Dream Portrait Series.


Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopedia. “Annie Leibovitz”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 28 Sep. 2022, Accessed 1 December 2022.

How she made the photo