Part A

Using the outside environment find 2 examples each of the following: diagonal leading lines, converging leading lines.

Find 2 examples each of Symmetrical balance and Asymmetrical balance

Find 2 examples of repetition of forms

Find 1 example of breaking the pattern

Take 2 examples of an object where the negative space is dominant

Total 13 photos

Upload to Flickr in an album HW4A.

Label all the photos in Part4A


Watch the video before completing Part B

Shoot 15 more photos that utilize some combination of the elements discussed in week2 and week3 to make your personal interesting compositions.

For each of the 15 shoot two versions. Not duplicates

Total 30 photos. 15 x 2 versions

All photos are to be shot outside during the day

No cars, bridges, sunsets, water bottles, babies, animals, flowers or portraits of people( no direct pics of a person), paintings

Upload to Flickr in Album HW4 B