Create 15 photos of freeze motion and 15 that blur

Stop Motion:

Working outside in the day with bright sunlight, photograph people in action. Try to fill the frame and try to capture a decisive moment.

If you are working outside in bright light with your camera phone, it will select a fast shutter speed. If you are using a camera, use a fast shutter speed.

Blurred Motion

Each shot MUST have something sharp and something blurry

For blurred motion you must find a way to secure the camera. If you don’t have a tripod and are working with a camera, rest it on a surface and use the camera’s timer.

If using a cameraphone, you will need to use an app. Download the lightroom/photoshop app. This app will allow you to only choose the slowest shutter speed of 1/4 sec . If you want more control, I recommend the app slow shutter.

You will still need to secure the camera otherwise the whole image will be blurry.

If you are working with a camera phone, you can make a tripod from a coffee cup or small box like a tea box.