ENG 3790 – Information Architecture

Course Description

“This theory and practice-based course provides a theoretical overview of the concepts and practices of information architecture: Organization, labeling, navigation, search, and metadata. Students develop practical skills through the study of human-computer interaction.”

Course Synopsis

“ENG 3790 will give you the opportunity to explore a new way of thinking about information, the role it plays in our lives, and how to organize it to accomplish bigger things, both in digital space and in meat space. The goal of this course is no less than to transform how you perceive reality, and how you begin to consciously shape the aspects of it available to you as an information architect. As part of your work in ENG 3790, you will be responsible for the thorough study and review of course readings, and the development of a repertoire of problem-solving tools, techniques, and routines that you will integrate into your own professional practice. This will require extensive time and dedication on your part, but the reward will be your confident and skillful use information architecture theory and practice to solve significant organizational problems across a range of media for a variety of purposes.

Course Documents

Below you will find documents from the inaugural ENG 3790 course, taught by me, in Spring 2016. This is an upper division course in the Professional and Technical Writing Major focused on the design and management of information in digital and analog contexts.




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