ENG 4900 – Professional and Technical Writing Internship

Course Description

“Students complete a 120-hour internship. In-class meetings provide an opportunity for presentations and electronic portfolio development to enrich the learning experience. Students write weekly status reports. Supervision is by both the faculty and the job supervisor.”

Course Synopsis

“ENG 4900 is designed to offer you the opportunity to complete a 120-hour on-site internship related to professional and technical writing in a supportive academic setting. The focus of course and individual meetings will be on discussing the career professionalization and creating ePortfolios. As part of your work in ENG 4900, you will be responsible for securing a 120-hour internship that meets the program requirements (I can assist you with this to whatever degree you need). You will keep a daily log of activities and time spent during the internship, along with weekly summaries that will be developed into an end-of-internship report that will be hosted along with a well-designed ePortfolio that will be hosted on OpenLab. This will require extensive time and dedication on your part and will constitute a majority of your course grade.

Course Documents

Below you will find documents from the ENG 4900 course and independent studies that I supervised through Spring 2018. This is the capstone 120-hour internship experience of the Professional and Technical Writing Major.





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