Author Archives: Damon Loren Baker

We’re famous!

Our class site was chosen to be featured as the “In the spotlight” site for openlab today due to the large amount of work that has been going on here. Great work everyone!   (Make sure your robots, brain reading … Continue reading

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If you need to be somewhere other than citytech on tuesday to deal with problems from the storm that is no problem. Just let me know in advance via email if you aren’t going to be in on Tuesday so … Continue reading

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Your assignments for until the storm is over: stay safe

In case you hadn’t heard …..FRANKENSTORM IS COMING!!!! AAHHHHH!!! OH NO!!!!!….ahem…Any how, it looks like the MTA is shutting down this evening so I am assuming citytech will be closed on at least monday (and they are saying the subway … Continue reading

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Study Guide For Midterm

These are the answers to our previous six quizzes. If you know all this things and have paid attention in class you will be in good shape for the midterm. Quiz 1   1. The name of this class is    … Continue reading

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Haunted Hotel Tour

I talked with Professor Brandt and she has graciously  arranged for a tour of the Haunted Hotel for Physical Computing students after class on thursday. The attraction opens at 1pm, so we can do a behind the scenes tour after … Continue reading

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Upcoming special guest on thursday

This thursday the 18th at 1pm in room v120 we will have a presentation by a special guest, Christopher Stapleton. You are all strongly encouraged to attend.   Christopher Stapleton Research Affiliate, Media Convergence Laboratory MFA, Design for Film, Tisch … Continue reading

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Comment moderation settings/Reminder about first journal assignment.

I noticed that comments apparently need to be approved by me before they appear. I’m figuring out how to fix it so they will appear automatically, but for right now I’ll just approve them as they appear. So if it … Continue reading

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Example Post

Testing 1 2 3

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Hello world!

Welcome to CityTech Sites. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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