Journal 7 – Project Proposal

I honestly don’t know what do for a project. I am interested in sound/audio and LEDs and would enjoy doing a project related to those areas. I have an idea in mind but am not sure how to accomplish it. Basically it would be a LED lighting fixture that reacts differently based on a spl meter. For example at a low spl the light would be dim and and as the spl increases so would the brightness of the LEDs in the fixture.

I assume to accomplish this I would have the meter sending the level to the Arduino which will then send info to the fixture which will set the dimmer level. Also at lower levels the colors can be on the lower end of the color spectrum while and the opposite at high levels.

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One Response to Journal 7 – Project Proposal

  1. Yaro says:

    Here is the video of an on-beat controlled RGB LED strip:

    I don’t know, if it’s helpful or not, but just in case – the schematics are here:

    The code is here:

    Cheap Parallax Sound Impact Sensors are here:

    Good luck with your project!

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