(late) Journal Entry Week 6

Microcontrollers can found in almost everything nowadays. But I was surprised to find out that one of the most popular ones to use is still that which is considered the Granddaddy of them all.



Of course being who I am I went with the obvious choice and amusing one that has been used in a console system. The 8048 microcontroller was used in the Magnavox Odyssey video game console. For one I have no clue what console that was so I looked it up

Here it is apparently pong was played on it:




Even for its time the 8048 came with several special features



The 8048 were made to be externally expandable using either special expanders or standard memories and peripherals. This allowed this microcontroller to still be used today by people when deveploping and prototyping modern tech.

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One Response to (late) Journal Entry Week 6

  1. Randi Sobhan says:

    I’ve never heard of that console myself. Do you know of any actual products today that still use this chip?

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