Lab Report#2-Sergio-Isidoro Lombardo

Overview:  To equip a Pententiometer sensor to an Arduino board and test the output on the computer to see if its working. Then attach an LED light to the Arduino board and then adjust the brightness of the LED with the Potentiometer sensor.

Materials Used: Potentiometer sensor, Arduino Duemilanove Circuit Board, USB Cable, White LED.

Steps Taken:

1) Open Arduino program and set setting to board being used.

2) Test all equipment to see if it all runs properly. Connect the Arduino board with USB cable to see if blink code runs. Make sure that the LED light works by attaching it to board.

3) Attach sensor and set program setting to particular sensor. Test by viewing to voltage output of the sensor and setting of an outcome of 0-1220

4) Attach white LED light and  set to where you can manually adjust the LED’s brightness with the sensor.

Overall Outcome: The hole thing was a success in the end. The only trouble I had was in the beginning, I was unable to measure the output of the voltage sent by the sensor. After adjusting the settings on the program to the correct sensor and flipping some wires around we were able to get the correct readings. After also switching sensors do to the terrible soldering job on the wires we were able to hook everything up and adjust the brightness of the LED using the sensor which simply changes to duration of the LED being on and off to look like it is getting dimmer or brighter.

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