Play PC games from your couch Juan Correa 10/16/2014


In researching for my final project I came across the new STEAM control pad. The goal is bringing for PC games that require a Keyboard and mouse to be played from your couch via a game pad controller. some of the key-points that set it apart from the competition are:

– Keyboard and mouse games from your sofa! Which means it will be wireless

– No buttons more trackpad, one for each thumb, high resolution, higher fidelity input means more precise control than your mouse pad. It has another set of 16 buttons to use with out lifting your thumbs and much more ergonomic than Xbox or PS controllers


– Haptics? basically their improvement on the “rumble” feature which is a super precise feedback to the user by using dual resonant actuators ( small weighted electromagnets) for that “visceral feedback” and more

– Other features Touch screen, community shared configurations, open source design


You can check out the details here:

But if you’re too lazy to read here’s a video from STEAM and a Beta tester which is very interesting to hear them as they talk about input, feedback, sensors, actuators, and the learning curve to use this device which could be its downfall.

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