Testing 1…2…3!

Hello, My name is Suly. I’ve been a Graphic Designer for Decor Inc. (located in NJ state) for 4 years. I do all types of designs: from pencil drawings to acrylic paintings to digital designs. Some of my work you can see here. My main goal in life is to become a Video Game designer. I’ve worked with ActionScript programming, Processing and the basics of Java and Terminal. I attended the Maker Faire last year and heard about Arduino, so now I’m looking forward to learning more about it and actually be able to do some hands on work.

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One Response to Testing 1…2…3!

  1. Matthew says:

    Nice Post. I really like your portfolio website design as well as the work that you have. As a person who plays games and wants to also be a video game designer I think your design style would make for a great 2D game or flash game. The only thing that is missing from this post is what you hope learn from this class and also what do you hope to build using Arduino.

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