Extra Credit – What Went Wrong

Since we started, this project has been plagued by stuff not fitting nicely with each other. Non of the glues worked with the plastic and the motor did not have the right mount for the sub. The screws provided by the servos were smaller than the holes we were asked to drill. The brass would not solder itself to another piece of brass, At one point I looked at the instructions and said screw it!!!

I went out and got a piece of sheet metal and made a makeshift motor mount, I  used copious amounts of glue everywhere, even over the stuff my team mates had glued. In other words it was going no where! Once I managed to get the rest of my team to say the same the rest of the project seemed to get easier because we knew how to get to the final project and just guessed at how to get there.

I am glad that we managed to visually see how it would work and then we just through the instructions out

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