I honestly didn’t get nearly as much done this past week as I wanted – Thanksgiving travel and activities pretty much gobbled Wednesday through Sunday.
I did get the strip-to-connector-cables soldering done though, and it went pretty well from what I can tell. But getting the project pictures off of my brand new iPhone turned into an ordeal, because it turns out that the iPhone SUCKS. God why did I ever leave Android land? But here are a couple pictures of the soldering.
Fun fact. It turns out my hair dryer is barely hot enough to shrink the heat shrink. It is, however, powerful enough to blow out the pilot light to my stove (I was working in my kitchen). This caused an escalating series of steps which ultimately resulted in New York City’s Bravest visiting my fine abode, and a significant loss of apartment heat as many windows were opened. However nothing was blown up, so all is well. Well, except for all the time that was lost and other stuff not getting done. But my Tuesday afternoon stuff just got cancelled, so now I can work on this…
visit from the authorities over physical computing class project –ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED!
The heat shrinked connection looks good though.
Yes! Extra credit!
FWIW the kitchen still smells of gas, even with the pilot lights burning. I think that in the course of fixing one relatively minor issue we created another, possibly bigger issue. Something which I’m sure happens all the time in physical computing…