Week 14-It was going so well……

This week it all went to s**t. We were on a roll, we had gotten most of the mersurments that we needed for power and we had ordered the new battery that we need to help power it all. We even had planned out what add-ons we were gonna add to commplet it. Then it all went down hill. We were setting up to do our weight test, how much weight can our quadrotor can hold and still have good controll over it, when the controller would not conect too the quadrotor. For some reason after the rotor sets itself up and calibrates its sencors we can not get the controller to “handshack” with the rotor. At first we thought that maybe the controller had switched modes and we had to change it back. After trying to switch modes for over a half hour we could not get it. We think we might have done something when we were doing the power test on the rotor. We sent a e-mail to the company that makes them asking for help. A day later they e-mailed us back saying that the controller can not chang modes and there most be a problem with it. They offered to send us a new controller for free to help us with our problem. We are hoping that this will help us get back on track to complete our project in time.

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