An update from Team Quadcopter.
We are still waiting on the arrival of our battery, but the good news is we will be performing the weight test today, and well as start programming the arduino. We will also solder the lily pad to the top of the quadcopter and make sure its secured and that it can still fly. For the weight test, we will be doing a couple of trials by starting with a small weight and then increasing it by intervals. More updates will be posted in the comments.
I really like the quadrotor you guys are working with and I think the only obstacle holding you guys back from making an even more stellar final project is the battery. And it’s good to see that you guys are upgrading the quadrotor’s battery, but for the type of end result that you would need for this class, you’ll need a battery that can last at best maybe 2-3 hours just to be on the safe side when it comes time for demonstration. But what kind of battery will you guys be using to power the quadrotor and how long is its estimated battery life going to be with the new battery?