Lab 4-RGB LED Color Chooser

Objective– control a LED RGB light with 3 potentiometers and having each potentiometer control one color



  1. RGB LED light
  2. 2x bread boards
  3. 3x potentiometers
  4. An ardiuno



  1. We got our materials
  2. We tested the LED light with the blink example
  3. The blink worked
  4. We then added 2 breadboards. One for the LED and one for the potentiometer
  5. We then found a schematic to help us with the set up
  6. We tried a couple of test and the LED changed color successfully.
  7. We then hooked up the bread board controlling the LED and the potentiometer together on the Arduino.
  8. We then uploaded the code to the Arduino.
  9. Tested it out.

10. We were successful.


Results–  We were successful with have one potentiometer control the red, one controlling blue, and the last one controlling the green. We were also able to mix color, making cyan, yellow, and magenta.



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One Response to Lab 4-RGB LED Color Chooser

  1. stevejc says:

    I forgot for materials, lots of jumper cables

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