Last Post

This is going to be my last post here I think… last week I soldered the 330 ohm resistors into each hot leg of the LED’s and then I soldered it again into another piece of wire to be connected to the arduino board. After everything was connected and the lights were working I helped Mark mounting the board onto the fan’s propeller, which is simply a piece of MDF. Then we screwed everything together on the piece of pinewood attached to the fan’s motor. We had to remove the bottom part of the fan, because it was blocking the propeller. Everything seems ready now, we turned the fan on, and then, for our surprise/disappointment, the whole thing is just too have for the fan’s motor to spin… \o/
In the example that we followed, the guy used a piece of acrylic for the propeller, we used a piece of mdf instead because we didn’t find any acrylic in the school. I also didn’t think that it would make that much of a difference, maybe it didn’t. Maybe the guy in the video had a more potent fan, I don’t know. If we had time, the next step would be to find a stronger motor and also try to reduce the weigh of the propeller and the boards that we are using. Like using the arduino mini instead and also get rid of the tinker kit would help I think. Anyways it was a pleasure working in this project, I had fun and learned a lot from it too.

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