Group (Ahmad, Ibn, Remy) Entry 4: The Final Stretch

The CNC Mill:

The CNC mill is almost fully constructed. All that remains is wiring and 2 switches need to be better secured.

Wiring is proving to be a problem though. We’ve found this to get the spindle working, but A. it wants us to use the same power supply for the spindle as we’re using for the driver board, and B. said power supply does not output enough power as the instructions say we need.

We do have another power supply, but it’s got 2 V+ nodes and no V-. I’m wary of plugging in the – wire to ground because something tells me that ground is for the AC plug. I don’t want to fry it.

This could stop the project in its tracks unless we find something else showing us how to get it working. This is the only documentation on spindle wiring we’ve found on the Zen Toolworks wiki which starts to match up with what hardware we have.

The Gyroscope:

We’re using this little guy: as our gyro.

He’s proven to either be dead, or need more fiddling with. We tried the wiring and code at the very bottom of this page: and got nothing. Luckily, the gyroscope was purchased from Radioshack, and with the abundance of those I’m sure we can get another one if it is dead. I hope he wasn’t killed when we were soldering wires to him.

The Joystick:

The new body is coming together rather nicely. We still have to desolder the buttons, wire them to the Arduino, and wire the Arduino to the Joystick controller (as well as get the gyro working with the Arduino)

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