The Musicality group had officially hit the professional level when it came to summoning software bug on the 6th. Whether it be our group not realizing Firmata is required in order to run Processing on Arduino, or our group not thinking to switch to a stable release of Processing (1.5.1), we had hit plenty of bumps along the way.
Using the code I had located from HyperRitual, the group had managed to make a light on the Arduino Leonardo turn off when the wearer of the Emotiv headset thought the predefined command “disappear”. This was a huge success for us as it was a pain to get the code running with all the software issues prior.
A group mate proceeded to sauter an 8-ohm speaker provided to us by Professor Baker with an 100-ohm (brown-black-brown) resistor that this groupmate and I had, at the advisement of our other groupmate, located. I was ultimately the one who found the right resistor, as the groupmate I was searching with was having trouble telling red from brown, and the resistors were quite small. We connected to the resistor to GND and the speaker to pin 8 on the Arduino Leonardo afterwards.
I located the tuneMelody example provided by the Leonardo and made it run successfully. Then came the tweaking: I changed the notes and the duration for it to play the first couple of notes of jingle bells. I managed to do so successfully.
But then an issue arose as I got all hyped to code: the Arduino library for Processing does NOT include tone(). This required a complete rerouting of mental thought for me, and I began a mad dash to think up other options. Then it dawned on me. The main draw for Processing was using its OSCP5 library, as MindYourOSCs translated the Emotiv EPOC data into OSCs, and the OSCs needed to be read to be utilized. But I hadn’t even considered the possibility of there being an Arduino library for OSC. I eventually found a github repository with said library and downloaded it.
Now the issue is to translate the Processing OSCP5 code into Arduino ArdOSC code, and then combine it with the tone example.
Once the code has been successfully combined and then altered, it would be a matter of training four predefined commands with mental commands for the initial notes of Jingle Bells.