Emotiv Headset Group Dec. 6

This week in Emotiv-land, my group members (as in i’m not saying WE) were able to download all the libraries needed for the the Processing application to talk to our Arduino. One problem solved, 99 more arise. After my team members and i kept on getting error messages (still avoiding WE). After bringing this to the teacher’s attention, it was discovered that although Arduino and Processing have very similar looking software, they don’t speak the same language. Processing is speaking quantum physics while Arduino only understands, as Prof Baker put it, Blink.
So we (darn) had to download a software to translate Processing to Arduino, her name is Firmata. She works as hard as her name sounds.

Even with Firmata on board, the error messages still persisted. After about 10 minutes of debugging, Prof. Baker reverted to an older version of Processing to communicate with Arduino and communication was finally made.  As the video below shows.

I didn’t really do much in the downloading and trying to debug department. I did try to take notes of the process (and frustration) involved and take some pictures. I also provided the equipment used to take the video, and i was, as one of my group members so eloquently put it, the test dummy, wearing the Emotiv Headset and teaching it new tricks. I call the latest one Disappearing Act. Video below.


About rusnuvol

I'm tall.
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