POV clock

For the next class I will discuss with the members of my group about the design of our POV clock. I have researched a little and we have a few options in terms of design and the components that we need. As soon as we are clear about how exactly we are building it, I will start working on the mechanics of it. In a few examples online that explain how to make a pov clock, they use a computer fan as a motor. I am not yet what we have for that. Are we using a fan or a servo motor? I am not sure.

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One Response to POV clock

  1. Thank you, was going to write the post for it now (got too into another project to do it earlier, sorry).

    Anyways, I thought somebody said they were going to bring a fan in. If not, we could either use a servo motor but like Professor Baker has said, a regular motor might be superior, but we can discuss this tomorrow.

    Tomorrow, we should probably also get the arduino mini to work with the LED strips too. Found what could possibly be the name of it online (I swear, there were 5 different types that looked exactly the same) so if we have trouble getting the LED strips to work, we could simply just look it up.

    We’ll discuss this more in class later.

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