Entry: 7 | Step count: 79356

So I’m probably going to stick with the same project idea. A device that knows where it is using only it’s knowledge of one reference point, motion, and applying Newton’s laws.

I got some accelerometers from Analog.com, but they’re really, really tiny. The chip is smaller than my pinky nail and the contact points are a little smaller than the holes you’d find in a window screen.

I can’t solder them to anything by hand, but I maybe can make a holder for them, like a SIM card. With a 3d printer perhaps?


On the side, I also want to see if I can read the serial information and output the coordinates I get to Blender or something, make a way to visualize the “proprioception” of my project.

Lucky for me, this is a low-enough level project that it can be integrated into almost anything involving motion and location awareness! So I’m a little bit more likely to working with it (for class)

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One Response to Entry: 7 | Step count: 79356

  1. Gabby B. says:

    Location awareness is more interesting to me than motion awareness… moreso than orientation, but GPS. GPS data to be used for an augmented or mixed reality game would be sweet…

    Anyway! Can’t wait to see you do both your original project and your new project idea.

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