Week 5 Journal

Who hear remembers this scene from X-Men 2, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhwTROzvZzU?

What would you say if with some time and patience, you can replicate this action? (hopefully without killing/injuring anyone, including yourself) If your answer is, I don’t believe you, prove it. Then here is the proof: http://makeprojects.com/Project/Fireball-Shooter/2118/1#.UGiJqPl2619

I am not sure if this is the same thing, but here is a video posted a few years ago, that looks like the same thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TvAjGOj-BE

The device is pretty cool and could be a fun party trick, as long as no one gets hurt.

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5 Responses to Week 5 Journal

  1. They’re fun, I’ve tried my boss’s before! I recommend attaching it to a metal ring to keep it covert.

  2. Love the tutorial and I’m actually thinking now about making one myself when I have free time… just to have some fun.

  3. that is really cool. I could imaging people making that for costume purposes to add effect to it and going to conventions (like comic con) and scare people or just show off

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