Journal Entry 3

Bill Verplank

I chose to look at the interview of Bill Verplank. The reason is that it was very impressive when I watch the video of Bill Moggridge, there was a short clip of Bill Verplank drawing simple idea sketch while he is talking about ‘Interaction’. He did not use any difficult academic words, yet he spoke very clearly about the term of interaction design. It was an useful and instructive interview clip.

In the short interview clip, Bill says interaction designer needs to answer three questions,  ‘how people act / how they feel / and how they understand’. To explain ‘how people act’, he gives two examples (handle or button). And for ‘How they feel’, he talks about cool media (TV) or warm media (books). Third question is ‘how they know?’ He mentioned that for user, it can be very difficult to figure out how the machine works. So, designer needs to decide how the overview of the design will be provided for users. Such as, map to see an overview of how everything works.


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2 Responses to Journal Entry 3

  1. Marcelo says:

    Yes, I really like the simplicity and the objectivity of his ideas and explanations. He goes straight to the point with a simple, but very effective drawing.

  2. That really is an easy to understand drawing. I can tell just by looking at it without an explanation needed. Seems to also know what he’s talking about to from the way that you write it. Might check him out later.

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