Journal Entry Week 1

Hi, I’m Michelle. I’m from Maryland, but I live in the city now. I transferred here from Pratt where I was a creative writing major, and here at City Tech I’m in Entertainment Technology. As far as programming goes, I know HTML, some CSS/Javascript, and have a solid understanding of Java. I also have experience building circuits with breadboard-style electronics, and I’ve done stuff with switches, relays, photosensors, speakers, all sorts of things. Never done any wiring/building with Arduino, though, but I’m excited to learn.

My interests lie mainly in theater and music. I play piano and percussion, and I dabble in guitar and trombone. Sometimes I sing. Musicals are the one thing in my life I am most passionate about, and as long as I get to work in them for the rest of my life, I’ll be content, whichever job I’m doing. Lighting is my main interest here at City Tech, but I also want to write and compose my own shows in the future.

As to what I’m going to do for the project, I’m not quite sure yet. I have a few ideas floating around about trying to make a better conducting system than clunky TV monitors, but I don’t know enough about Arduino to know if that’s a plausible goal. I do know that I want to do something related to theater.

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2 Responses to Journal Entry Week 1

  1. ibn4course says:

    I think you will learn about arduino fast, because your knowledge is very broad with breadboarding and java. I think arduino is necessary for you, because it can help you with skills of electrical components and programming for lighting. If your interest is in lighting, you should take advantage and learn as much as you can. I think that a project dealing with some sought of theater scene with lights and scripts will be very good. Something that allows you to follow a script dramatically and light things according to the the 3 step archeticuture of your story. I think using characters in a mini theatrical setup would be nice so that you will visual and record the project. The use of action figures, paper homes, and LED’s can make you a contemporary of “The Nightmare Before Christmas” by Tim Burton.

  2. kimyoonshik says:

    I think this class is perfect for you! You have background of programming languages and circuits and musical instruments. That is great combination for this class I believe. I remember there was a musical instrument in the TED clip using Arduino. How about designing of the new concept of musical instrument with Arduino?

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