Week 1 Journal Post

Why would I eat your homework?

Name: Adewale “Wally” Raji

Bio: Born September 1st , (year withheld) Washington DC. Was raised primarily in Nigeria where my parents are from till I was 13. Like apples, if I were to be poisoned, it should be something made out of apples. Self proclaimed movie critic. I liken myself to Hank Hill from King of the Hill. I’m fascinated with technology. I hold Larry Brown, Steven Spielberg, Steve Jobs and more recently Elon Musk in high regard. I love steak. Like the quote from Bruce Lee “ A teacher spares his pupil from his influence” (or was it prejudice?). I’m somewhat interested in 3d. Using Blender somewhat sucked some of that enthusiasm out of me. I might give 3ds Max a chance. I’ve dabbled a bit in Processing. I am curious to see if Arduino can be coded to control door locks, it would definitely save time and effort looking for CLT’s and teachers to open the lab.

About rusnuvol

I'm tall.
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5 Responses to Week 1 Journal Post

  1. Be warned: every 3d program is different and every one has a learning curve. Some steeper than others, the more widely used it is the more there tends to be to learn. All you need are good tutorials!

    Also, you can probably use a couple of proximity sensors or some form of RFID (radio frequency identification) for the door project.

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