The culture of my workplace is a blend between corporate and casual but leaning more towards the casual side. No one wears suits or anything close to that. Many wear jeans and collared shirt, some days a plain t-shirt. I try to avoid the t-shirt as it makes me look younger than I am. Me and the other intern are the youngest in the office at the age 22. There are cubicles, open work areas, and conference rooms.
The typical workday for me is to come in at 10:00 am. Basecamp, is a site that shows me my to-do’s for the day and also provides a platform for the creative team to share files, provide feedback, and assign/organize projects. It is useful site as it is comparable to a forum and is clear and direct of what is needed by me or others.
Lunch time, is 12pm for most but not for me. Usually the whole morning is a little hectic because around that time email activity is heavy. I am usually doing revisions or starting a new project around 11pm. I like to start my work immediately after its assigned as the concept is fresh in my mind. Working during lunchtime is ok with me because when everyone leaves office, it gets quiet and easier for me to work. I find it hard to work when being constantly distracted or interrupted about other projects.
After lunch, it is usually slower than it was in the morning. This is when I try to zone out and focus on my work. Then usually around 4, people check in with me of how projects are looking like because it is the end of day for about 90% of the office around 5. Not for the creative team. We all stay until 6:30 as 5-6:30 it is extremely quiet and there are minimal interruptions from co-workers or emails. The more work done in one day, creates an easier day the next day. On Friday’s, it is ok leave at 3 because its summer!