Journal Entry 5

  1. Relate an example of a collaborative project that you worked on during your internship. What was the project? How many people did you work with and how did you communicate with them? What was successful about it? What wasn’t

The first week of my internship, the creative team that deals with SunnyD held a meeting. The art director, social media director, two copywriters, the other design intern and me were sitting in a room discussing ideas for July posts for SunnyD’s Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. The head of social media director briefed the entire team on important dates and promotions for the month of July. It was our goal as a team to create a content calendar.

The head of social mentioned that SunnyD is a brand that was successful in the 80s and 90s and spoke about how they are struggling today in 2017. The social director also said the client, is in the middle of a rebrand and are trying to develop and create all around a new campaign. The art director, stated that as a team we try to create a visual style or something that brands SunnyD’s content. SunnyD’s focus for the month of July was to show lifestyle, action shots of tweens (kids aged from 10-12) having fun outside with SunnyD in hand. Me and the other intern discussed adding vector handrawn shapes around subjects of photos and animating them into gifs. We liked the idea of gifs because they are fun, easy to create, and also are different from flat images. Since they repeat over and over again they engage or catch social media people’s attention.

The designs were assigned to me and the other intern. We ran into three problems. The first problem we had was time. SunnyD was not the only client we both were working on multiple other projects. The second problem was that there weren’t many images of SunnyD bottles. Therefor when there was no time to shoot in office hands holding SunnyD, we had to mockup SunnyD into stock image shots of peoples hands. This was frustrating as finding the write scenery, subjects, and positioning of a stock image took more time than the actual design.

Our third and last problem were a cause and effect of the first and second problems, the client did not improve 2 out of the 15 images submitted. The client also provided little time for turnaround. Since it was the end of June and we were working on posts for July, also keep in mind that the first weekend of July was a holiday weekend due to the 4th. Clients wanted revisions done and wanted it within two days.

Friday it is the norm in the office to leave around 3pm.But we had things done for SunnyD around 4:30 that Friday.

I worked together with a

Project manager helping me with deadlines and the priorities of projects.

An art director that didn’t solve the problem but helped guide me to a solution.

Account service people by letting me know what the client’s goal and feedback was.

Copywriter, coming up with designs that match with the copy or vice versa.

And the other intern, who split the work and helped get the whole thing done smoothly and on time.

All in all it was a good experience and was a team effort to get this project done.

Here are some examples! To see the rest of the posts they will be live on SunnyD’s social.