Today’s class, was a good review of graphic design principles. It has been so long since I last heard the principles. I think its something that professors should instill in students when work is being critiqued. Heirarchy and Balance are usually the only ones that come up during discussions and critiques. Marian Bantjes’s Ted Talk showed how imaginative yet simplistic style of her designs resonates with people. She also goes on of how she handles creative problems, and how she has progressed as a designer over the years through her ambition and work ethic.

She helped me by asking the same questions she asks herself when working on a project or creating a concept. Those questions are, “Does it bring joy?”, “ Is there a sense of wonder?” and “Does it invoke curiosity?” These questions could improve your designs by adding perspective or new meanings to them. “Joy” , is a positive emotion, if a design can evoke any emotion especially “Joy” it is successful. It all depends on the intentions of the design or designers but evoking emotions in people shows the power of design.

One part of her creative process, is the use of her ego. She uses her heart and guidance of her ego to create work that is mutually beneficial to herself and the client. This is a big challenge to me and probably all designers. Finding the balance of meeting your personal goal and your client’s are difficult. Bejantes says she pretty much immerses herself in her work by taking it very personal. She uses this as motivation to create work that is satisfying to herself and also meets the client’s goal.

Her goal as a designer, is to inspire people by giving them joy, wonder, and curiosity. She does this by sending out her valentine cards made out of old Christmas cards. Her valentine cards are the perfect example of her imaginative and simple style that creates complex and pleasing to the eye executions. She feels the inspiration she gives people are worthwhile. What I received from her goal is that inspiring people is more worthwhile than making money. Also that inspiration can come from anywhere and all types of media. She uses the term cross-pollinating. Inspiration isn’t like money because it’s something that you can count or quantify. Things that are unquantifiable are usually undervalued.

She reminded me that the inspiration shouldn’t be all about just making money. Inspiration that is created from motivations not linked to money can lead to bigger and better concepts. Inspiring other people is good for society and connects people.