Journal Entry 1


The name of the company I intern at this summer is named Brand Connections. They are located in the heart of Times Square on 1500 Broadway. The company is located on the 32nd floor of Times Square Studios. In total Brand Connections has 7 locations, 218 Clients, 410 Team Members, and over a couple thousand projects completed. Other offices are located in New Jersey, Boston, Chicago, two locations in Denver, Miami, and Orlando. The company’s primary business as an ad-agency are finding and delivering solutions to their clients. The major clients the company have are Dunkin’ Donuts, SunnyD, Juicy Juice, Cholula, and more. Brand Connections has grown over the years by the merging of 5 companies ; BottleRocket, PIE, FeedPR, pinpoint, and Lifestyle Planning & Fulfillment. I am on the creative team. Their are two creative teams and one art director that leads both teams. The team I primarily work with is with the art director and other intern.I primarily work on Dunkin Donuts, SunnyD, and Juicy Juice. When there is a big workload, usually some projects from other clients, I get assigned them to do. The team is small therefor, me and other intern are assigned plenty of work. Leaving at five-oclock would be considered early.

Here are some pics of the office/area!