Announcements + Reminders

HW DUE: Mon, April 6th

We will resume “live” class on Monday April 6th at 3pm.

Before that you have THREE COrona Blog entries to write.

1) How has your life changed since the start of Coronavirus in NYC? What have the restrictions done to your daily routines and activities? (250 words)

2) What is something that you have noticed is different since life in NYC has changed due to Coronavirus? This does not have to be about you, it can be a general observation (ex. I wrote about the silence in the city). (250 words)

3) Pick an article (any article on a controversial topic) and write a post arguing for one side. You can agree or disagree with the article, just make sure you pick a side. This is to help you work on making CLAIMS. Please include the link to the article in your post. (250-300 words)

Three Important Things

1) Please fill out this survey immediately! The college wants to know who needs additional support–and there are limited resources!

2) We are having OPTIONAL “live” class today, Wed 3/25 @ 3pm. Here is the link to join:Ā

3) We will discuss the “Recalibration Period” and “Spring Break” during class. You can read about it in the CUNY Chancellor’s email from yesterday here:

For Wednesday…

For Wednesday…

1) In preparation for “class”

– Read “Claim, Reasons, Evidence”Ā 

– Read “Logical Argumentation”

Set up COrona Blog + Invite Prof. Paruolo

– First Post on COrona Blog

2) Class (either live on Zoom 3-4 pm OR on your own time after that, via file on OpenLab/GoogleDrive)

– link to join live class at 3pm on Wed 3/25:Ā 

– link to recorded class (will be posted Wednesday night) :

3) After class…

-Post “Responses to 3/25 Class” on your COrona Blog by Saturday (3/28) 11:59pm.

– Questions for Response post will be posted on Wednesday before live class

Zoom Meeting + Directions

Good Morning,

I am happy to see so many people reply on OpenLab that they are connected and doing okay. If there is anyone who you know hasn’t checked in, please reach out to them! I want to make sure I can get in touch with everyone.

As far as class goes, YES we are going to keep moving forward! There is a lot to explain– and I will do that this afternoon.

I am going to hold an OPTIONAL class session today, Monday March 23rdĀ fromĀ 3-4pm on ZOOM. Zoom is free for you to use, just sign up for a FREE account and then join our class meeting. Full directions below.

If you can’t make the meeting today, do not worry because I will be recording and posting it for everyone to watch on their own time. The only difference is that those whoĀ come to “live” meeting will be able to ask/answer questions. If you CANNOT attend the “live” meeting, it will NOT impact your grade, and you can email me any questions you have later.

Please continue to stay safe and healthy.

Hope to see some of you this afternoon! (Zoom directions below.)




Zoom works best when you use the camera on your device.

–Ā If you are using a phone or tablet, I suggest downloading the FREE Zoom app.

– If you are using a laptop or desktop, you can useĀ theĀ app OR justĀ the Zoom website, both work well.

Give yourself some time to set this up *before* 3pm today.
1) Sign up for a free account here:Ā

2) You will be sent anĀ email to confirm your account.

3) Use the link in the email to activate and set up your account.

4) Once you have set up your account, you can join our class meeting at 3pm. Here is the link to our meeting:ĀĀ (This link will not work until just before 3pm).


–Ā If you are using a device with a camera, we will be able to see you and what is directly behind you, soĀ plan accordingly.

– Even if you are in a quiet space, headphones will make it easier for youĀ to hear and be heard.

– MUTE yourself in theĀ meetingĀ (you will see the button when you sign on) until you are ready to talk, otherwise we can hearĀ EVERYTHING (chewing, typing, whispering, scratching, etc.)

Good Morning and Welcome Back!

Hello ENG 1101CO Students!

SO MUCH HAS CHANGED since we spoke last week.Ā  I am still figuring this all out myself, but I will have some information posted today. As of right now, don’t worry about this too much.Ā  I have decreased the amount of work I am expecting you to complete while you are home, and I know you can all do this.

In the meantime, please log on to OpenLab and post a short comment in response to this post. Just a quick hi and let everyone know how/what you are doing.

Post a comment by clicking on “Leave a Reply” or “Comment” to the left or at the bottom of this post (on OpenLab). I will post one there to get everyone started.Ā  Please do this ASAP so I know who is still with us.