Author Archives: Jorellana

Zip Lining Adventure Video


See the link for the adventure video in Montaverde, Costa Rica

The Tarzan zip lining is the highest in Costa Rica. I had the opportunity to try this adventure, it is a lot of fun and is one of the coolest things I have done in my life. Hope everyone likes the video.

East River Videos

To see the videos, Please copy the links below and paste in a Google search box.

Video 1 – East River Park Overview

Video 2 – It’s a Squirrel


Aviarios del Caribe

Aviarios del Caribe
Aviarios del Caribe is a private natural reserve in the Costa Rica. Because of its proximity to the Caribbean the flora and fauna is very unique. This reserve is about 88 hectares and provides refuge to a wide variety of animals and plants such as: sloth, monkeys, caiman, turtles and also is home of 255 bird species. This reserve is also known as the “Sloth Sanctuary” focuses mostly in the protection of these mammals, because its vulnerability. The sloths are very slow animals that maximize the use of its energy and have a very specific life style that it is all about saving energy.

Sloth Santuary
Aviarios pics
For more info visit: