English 1142
Professor: Robert Ostrom
Email: rostrom@citytech.cuny.edu
Course Meeting Times & Zoom Links: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:30am-12:45pm
Zoom meeting ID: 836 4351 6964
Zoom passcode: 585013
Weekly Office Hours: Wednesdays 10-12pm or by appointment
Zoom meeting ID: 845 1493 8628
Zoom passcode: 779728
Welcome to City Tech and English 1142. In our class, we will prioritize intellectual nourishment and community. If you have any concerns about the course or college, or if there is any situation preventing you from participating, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Know that I am here to work with you.
Course Description:
Students practice the craft of writing effective lyric, narrative and experimental poems, studying poems by accomplished poets and producing poems of their own in a seminar and workshop setting. Key concepts and skills include observation and description, the use of persona, imagery, metaphor, connotation, sound, line breaks, structure in poetry, syntax and grammar. The course incorporates a variety of cultural perspectives in the theory and practice of writing poetry.
Tools & Materials:
- Course Site
- Zoom
- Email (check your City Tech email daily)
- Google Drive (for assignment collection)
- Texts linked on the course schedule (no cost)
- Dictionary
- Computer folder dedicated to this class, for assignment drafts
Grading Breakdown:
5 Poems with Drafts 50% of semester grade
Various Exercises (in-class and homework) 20% of semester grade
Group Presentation 10% of semester grade
Participation in In-Class Workshops and Discussions 10% of semester grade
Final Reflection 10% of semester grade
Response to an Off-Campus Literary Event Extra Credit
Policies and Procedures:
Diversity and Inclusive Education Syllabus Statement:
This course welcomes students from all backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. In accordance with the City Tech and CUNY missions, this course intends to provide an atmosphere of inclusion, respect, and the mutual appreciation of differences so that together we can create an environment in which all students can flourish. It is the instructor’s goal to provide materials and activities that are welcoming and accommodating of diversity in all of its forms, including race, gender identity and presentation, ethnicity, national origin, religion, cultural identity, socioeconomic background, sexuality and sexual orientation, ability, neurodivergence, age, and etc. Your instructor is committed to equity and actively seeks ways to challenge institutional racism, sexism, ableism and other forms of prejudice. Your input is encouraged and appreciated. If a dynamic that you observe or experience in the course concerns you, you may respectfully inform your instructor without fear of how your concerns will affect your grade. Let your instructor know how to improve the effectiveness of the course for you personally, or for other students or student groups. We acknowledge that NYCCT is located on the traditional homelands of the Canarsie and Lenape peoples.
Though we are not in a physical classroom, we are still a community. Respect for everyone in our course (not just the professor) is crucial.
Accessibility Statement:
City Tech is committed to supporting the educational goals of enrolled students with disabilities in the areas of enrollment, academic advisement, tutoring, assistive technologies, and testing accommodations. If you have or think you may have a disability, you may be eligible for reasonable accommodations or academic adjustments as provided under applicable federal, state and city laws. You may also request services for temporary conditions or medical issues under certain circumstances. If you have questions about your eligibility or would like to seek accommodation services or academic adjustments, you can leave a voicemail at 718-260-5143, send an email to Accessibility@citytech.cuny.edu, or visit the Center’s website at http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/accessibility/ for more information.
New York City College of Technology Policy on Academic Integrity:
Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and at New York City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion. The complete text of the College policy on Academic Integrity may be found in the catalog.
Writing Center