ENG1142 Introduction to Poetry Writing Fall 2021

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Students practice the craft of writing effective lyric, narrative and experimental poems, studying poems by accomplished poets and producing poems of their own in a seminar and workshop setting. Key concepts and skills include observation and description, the use of persona, imagery, metaphor, connotation, sound, line breaks, structure in poetry, syntax and grammar. The course incorporates a variety of cultural perspectives in the theory and practice of writing poetry.
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I want to create a world where cheating in love doesn't exist, a world where the word sadness […] See MoreComment on "POETRY MANIFESTO ASSIGNMENT"
Wow! Makes me think of Maggie Smith's Bluets which, if you haven't already, you should read. See MoreComment on "I Write this Ghazal So I Won’t Have to Think about What’s Really Happening – Pam Davenport"
Comment on "Memory Keeper of the Garden"
Wow. I love how this poem captures this special place, a place of beauty and refuge. See MoreComment on "Memory Keeper of the Garden"