I first decided to pursue a career in dental hygiene during the pandemic. After spending ten years in the beauty and fashion industry, grappling with rent payments and navigating a world that often felt shallow and insecure, I yearned for something more meaningful. I craved a profession that didn’t just take but gave back to society, one that could heal and uplift rather than prey on insecurities.

My time working with hundreds of patients within the program has been incredibly fulfilling, providing a deep sense of purpose. Being able to positively impact the lives of underprivileged patients who might otherwise go without essential dental care has been profoundly rewarding. From participating in community service projects to significantly improving patients’ oral and systemic health, every opportunity to serve has brought warmth and happiness to my heart and soul. Teaching and educating, alongside making tangible improvements to someone’s health who may have never had the chance otherwise, brings me unparalleled joy.

In addition to the direct patient care, I’ve grown to appreciate the educational aspect of my role. Empowering individuals to take charge of their oral health journey by sharing knowledge and promoting healthy habits is incredibly fulfilling. Whether it’s demonstrating proper brushing and flossing techniques or stressing the importance of regular dental check-ups, each teaching moment feels like a step towards building healthier communities. It’s an honor to not only provide hands-on care but also to instill habits that foster long-term wellness.