Tag Archives: capitalpunishment

The Penalty of Death & Execution


  • Its a dreadful job for those who perform the Death Penalty
  • It does not deter other criminals from committing the same crimes
  • Catharsis is the main objective of it
  • Catharsis is used to square things even / Eye for an eye
  • It isn’t looked bad upon by natures men
  • The criminal suffers while the case is being solved

Compelling Moments:

  • I found it interesting when H.L. Mencken wrote about people who have to perform the execution. I had never thought about execution from the point of view of the executioners.
  • How its not done for the safety of the public, but more for the catharsis received by the victims

Questions to Author:

  • Are the executioners interviewed and ask on what they think about the job?

Authors Purpose:

  • I believe the Author wrote this article in order to share to the reader the different views on the Death Penalty. Though many people may agree or disagree with the death penalty, there are ultimately valid reasons as to why death by capital punishment is just or unjust. In short words, capital punish is just because it brings a sense of relief, known as “catharsis” to the victims. On the other hand it is seen as unjust because it morally wrong to take the life of a human being for the feeling of pleasure.