Author Archives: Mitchell.Jacobson

Peak Performance Response

The very first line caught my attention as it has been constantly repeated to me throughout my life in all my endeavors. The author is consistent in his use of statistics and facts to prove points. He compares Master chess players to Olympiads in their large focus on training and practice. The author used the word chess only twice in the first 12 paragraphs, and an additional 10 times in his final 4.

There weren’t really any compelling moments in the piece as it was mostly factual in it’s concept.

My question to the author would be; What sort of adverse effects do you think extensive practice has on Chess players?

The author’s purpose was to bring to light the similarities that Chess players and Olympic athletes share in their dedication to the craft they have chosen. Both require a balance of talent and acquired skill.

Thesis ReWrite

Should a person’s grammar pose a tangible threat to their job opportunities? A response to a New York Times conversation starter written by John McWhorter argues that while a person may not be offered a position drawing up contracts if they cannot properly grasp the concept “to” and “too”, it should not affect their prospective jobs in other fields that do not require such skills. McWhorter argues that, “Anyone concerned about applicants’ grammar is probably dismayed at the state of public education today…” (McWhorter). He implies that the Public Education System is part to blame for the rising lack of grammatical understanding in applicants today.

Remembering my Childhood Summary

This story was comparing two lives. This story also contrasted the life style of Hugh’s old life to his new one. His life beforehand was unimaginable in the same light of his new one. He went from a life most people dream of to a life no one wants to aspire to have. The author was describing how if one had certain things they became more important than others. He realized that he should be happy with what he has now and to stop comparing his life with Hugh’s. In the end he happened to take the memories from Hugh’s life style and pretended as if they were his own, but he did realize he should be glad about what his life had to offer.

I Have a Dream Response

I feel we’ve all read or heard the iconic “I Have a Dream” speech several times throughout our lives. His choice to repeat the line “I have a dream” and other evocative phrases gives any audience a fire in their stomach. He consistently uses metaphors to further express his powerful ideas or otherwise emphasize his points. He challenged the government and suggests they failed their African American citizens. He inspired a movement so large it thrust America into a new age.


I found it compelling that he would so boldly go against the authorities. His choice to rebel against what he had been told throughout his youth has always been a heavy hitting sentiment to me. From the times of his adolescence to his last breath, Martin Luther King, Jr. made it his mission in life to be the change he wanted to see in America.

Another compelling moment was his bravery to use any language he needed to get his argument across. He held nothing back from his speech. His audacity and decorum in the use of, what at the time would have been, offensive language in a positive manner made his argument strong and heavy hitting.

My only question to ask the author would be his opinion on the state of America today. How would he feel and what would he have to say about the country we live in now?

I believe his purpose was to unite African American people under an idea that would compel others to make a stand. He wanted to light a fire under the seats of every single African American citizen living in the United States. He didn’t want to simply rile up a crowd, he wanted to give them a sense of purpose and pride in who they were.

“The Movie that Changed My Life”

  • The author recollects very specific things in her home (ie the fireplace, the railroad, etc)
  • Emotions that directly impacted her adolescent development are very vivid in her memory
  • She often questioned her family’s living situation. She would question why they didn’t move somewhere else more pleasant
  • I think the author felt emotionally attached to Dorothy. She became an idol of freedom and ambition for the author
  • She acknowledged that even 30 years later, Dorothy had made such a lasting impression her, watching the movie completely through again would be overkill.

The author states that she remembers strong feelings of confusion of why nobody had any energy to find enjoyment. This compelled me because I can relate to the feeling. My family never really wanted to do much outside of sitting down and smoking or having a drink.

Another moment I could resonate with was her want to escape her family and go to Oz. To me distance away from my family has always been a pipe dream. My life has always revolved around copious amounts of family being a stone’s throw away.

What causes the reluctance to look back? Why be afraid of the next page when the book isn’t finished yet?

I think the Author’s purpose was to juxtapose her fantasies of being in Oz and wanting to be independent to the reality that she lived in.

My Neighborhood vs Time Square

Time Square: The noise, the lights, the insurmountable amount of people. You can’t throw a stick in Time Square without hitting an advertisement or someone in a costume taking pictures with tourists for tips. Time Square is a tourist haven for people who want the “New York City Experience” when they find themselves on the island of Manhattan. There’s always a cab to take or a restaurant that you can find in any small town.


My Neighborhood: Maspeth is the kind of town where you have 6 pizza places you could walk to within a few minutes. It’s quiet and not much to look at. The 2 elementary schools and middle school in the area make the weekday afternoons noisy and crowded. Once upon a time Maspeth was a majority Italian and Polish, but with the changing times it’s diversified into a melting pot.


My Life in 3rd Person

How to express Mitchell Jacobson’s concert experience on January 20th, 2015? He had ordered tickets during the previous October for a band he had been following since his earlier days in adolescence. Little did he know the adventures he’d have that day. One day during a return journey to New York from North Carolina, Mitchell found out about an opportunity to attend a very exclusive Q & A session with the head lining band. He had sent in his application from his cell phone in the middle of Charlotte Douglas International Airport. He would not hear back from the team running the event for another 2 weeks. One day, he discovered an email congratulating him on his acceptance to the event. He immediately began checking all of his time schedules for the day of the concert so he would not miss his VIP meet and greet with the bands following the Q & A. Sure enough everything had been set in motion. On January 20th Mitchell set out to The City to begin one of the greatest days of his life. At around 11:45 am he arrived at the YouTube space located above the Chelsea Market on 9th Avenue. After a persistent 3 hours of waiting the event began and Mitchell had learned additional information about the event. It was also a private acoustic performance to be uploaded to The event ran longer than expected and Mitchell quickly became stressed for time. After the event ended Mitchell accompanied another invitee with the same VIP credentials. They then set out in a cab to the venue in a hurried pursuit against time itself, only to realize that once they had gotten there the events were being held back until everyone had arrived. Everything went smoothly thereafter. The concert atmosphere engulfed Mitchell. For that night he was on top of the world. He made friends, he had meaningful conversations, and he moshed his heart out in to the late of the night. Returning home that night ended his perfect experience.