I have a dream response – Courtney Lewis

I Have a Dream speech by Martin Luther King Jr is such an empowering speech not only for equality but for all dreamers. A dream is only a dream until you try to pursue the dream. Martin Luther King definitely pursued the dream not only for him but everyone who was a victim of inequality. The speech not only called for equality for Negros but for the rights of all people. That showed the total equality of men, women, and children. He could have been selfish with his dream and focused primarily on the African Americans who were clearly suffering.

“We can’t walk alone”, Martin Luther King Jr had asked for unity, a unity that can;t be broken or destroyed for the better. Unified we stand divided we will fall. Martin Luther King Jr saw the road of destruction that was not only being walked but what could be next for humanity. We all have a calling in this life we live, but King’s path was dedicated to change and bravery. The speech always has me thinking what I would have said if I were in his shoes. I don’t think I would be as powerful as him but, I definitely would try to allow my voice to be heard.

“I have a dream today”, this means he would never live out his dream. Martin Luther King Jr already know he wouldn’t be able to see his dream come true because change never occurs over night. He never lost the attention of his followers, protesters, and believers and that is where he felt success in his actions, procedures, and beliefs.

The way the speech was ended, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last” signified that all normal way of thinking was over and the free way of thought had begun. A thought that freedom is the goal and must be achieved. Martin Luther King Jr’s dream had begun to come true.

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