Shitty first draft

Shitty First Drafts


5 observation


  1. Different stereotypes people assume to be true about writers.
  2. Everyone struggles with composing their first  draft even when the novels turn out to be on the bestseller list.
  3. Being vulnerable in writing allows you to express better in paper.
  4. Writing process is recurring cycle , no matter how bad your first draft is it can get better by using some of the writing techniques.
  5. Humorous tone in the first paragraph.


Compelling moments


  1. When she discusses how vulnerable like a child allows you to pour out everything that you are meaning to express inn your paper because children has no filter and they say whatever  comes to their mind.
  2. “The next day, I’d sit down, go through it all with a colored pen, take out everything I possibly could, find a new lead somewhere on the second page, figure out a kicky place to end it, and then write a second draft. It always turned out fine, sometimes even funny and weird and helpful. I’d go over it one more time and mail it in.”  i was compelled by her strategies and tactics she used in order to write a second draft.



  1. There were few grammar mistakes so was it purpose to represent the title “Shitty first draft” ?
  2. Purpose

 To tell  all the writers not to feel bad about their “ shitty first draft” and  it’s okay to have it because everyone else does it too.

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