Death penalty

1. The death penalty is used to deter others from the same crimes.
2. There’s many people against the death penalty.
3. People have a wait period after the decision of death. It may be months or years until the execution takes place.
4. Law abiding citizens don’t feel secure until a community criminal is taken down.
5. Most people want criminals to feel the suffrage of their victims.

1. “I don`t believe deterrence is what most proponents seek from the death penalty. Our most profound emotional response is to want criminals to suffer as their victims did.” After the tragic series of current events (innocent lives being taken) many people believe that life in prison or the death penalty is too easy of a punishment.
2. “He must have time to make peace with God.” This is ironic that the same people who decided to play God (by taking away a life), are the same people who decided to allow a criminal to make spiritual peace.

1. Do you not believe that taking away a criminals life is equally wrong?
2. Do you think legal judicial execution is totalitarianism, if a “law abiding citizens”, can not do the same?

1. The authors wrote these articles to defend, and persuade readers on their beliefs in death penalty. There’s obviously two standpoints on execution, there’s pro death penalty and abolitionists.

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